Best Swimsuits for Every Body, From Sustainable Brands

These new bathing suit fabrics are being made from recycled materials like that of recycled water bottles, regenerated nylon and other fabrics, or recycled old fishing equipment like that of fishing nets and lines. So amazing!


Summer is here which means hot temperatures for most of the northern hemisphere. Hot temps for our family usually means that we are looking to head towards the nearest body of water to swim in pools, the ocean and lakes ie. water haha.

Lucky for me this is the first year where I haven’t had to worry about a bathing suit, having gotten one earlier in the year and a couple of backup options from the previous year, and yes finding a suit can be hard, very hard. I am not fully comfortable being in a bathing suits which does mean that I want a suit that I do buy to feel comfortable in is important and key. I’ve been practicing letting go of some of my insecurities because I want to enjoy the time I have in the water with my son and husband. I want to be fully present and not needlessly worrying how I look the whole time (those thoughts do creep in) or wondering if is a boob going to fall out. I like a suit that is cute of course but also a bit supportive especially up top, my string bikini days are of the past, once you have a kid I feel your lounging around the pool days limited and you are required to participate in a activities a bit more hence why support is important to me (haha). 


Another feature that I have been looking into with all my clothing is to find companies that have sustainable practices when it comes to making and manufacturing their clothing. Thankfully more companies each year are stepping up their practices and are using more sustainable materials and processes when making their clothing, and even better yet my picky bathing suit shopping needs were met by a few of these brands, so of course I wanted to share with you loves. In varying degrees the amazing way these new bathing suit fabrics are being made from recycled materials like that of recycled water bottles, regenerated nylon and other fabrics, or recycled old fishing equipment like that of fishing nets and lines. So amazing! I see for the future and hope that with consumer support these kind of these reimagined company practices on where to source materials from becomes a new standard of practice, and second nature in using recycled materials. I have found that companies that are designing with repurposed materials their products are of superior quality, because when you have to  find new ways to construct per say the swimsuit fabric your attention to quality is a must to make sure the fabric works for the design. And the need for attention is key for swim suits if you consider what that specific material has to go through, like hold its shape through activity and stretching in/out of water, the color has to withstand sun, water, washing and fit.    

So without further delay here are some of the amazing bathing suit companies i’ve found. Wishing you many memories from your fun in the sun, cheers!

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Easy To Care For Indoor Plants -That Purify Your Indoor Space And Are Aesthetically Pleasing

Add Beauty To Your Indoor Space While Cleaning Your Indoor Air With These Top Rated And Easy Care For Indoor Plants.


Let us say staying indoors so much, can test anyone's sanity. Since many of us have spent more time in our home than usual, you are likely to have noticed that your interior features could use a little love or upgrading. One easy and more affordable way to change up any interior of a home is with indoor plants. With ease, indoor plants effortlessly add more character, dimension, and color to a room.

 Another bonus many indoor plants help cleanse the air, which is especially beneficial when we spend extra time inside. Even if you keep a tidy home, it's easy to forget that there is off-gassing being released from furniture, paints, carpet, rugs, etc. Off-gassing can contribute to the toxicity of our indoor air. We lovingly use indoor plants to add our design aesthetic with the added benefits of helping the quality of our indoor air. 

Indoor plants range in their difficulty of care, and we have all had that heartbreaking moment when we have killed a beloved plant. To help your plant skip a tragic end, we recommend some beautiful yet easy-to-care-for plants. While also linking you to articles and studies NASA did here and here about indoor plants and the benefits they have on our indoor spaces.


Rubber Plant

Beautiful leaves that provide any space with a powerful color palate. Their beautiful leaves also help remove formaldehyde and carbon dioxide from the air, a beauty with intelligence. Care is easy for this none finicky plant that needs little sun and if you forget to water here and there will cause it to grow slower, but plant can recover with consistent care. Removes from indoor air: Formaldehyde, Mold, Carbon Dioxide.


Peace Lily

Peace Lilys are a flowering plant which sets it apart from most indoor plants. This doesn’t translate to it being high maintenance. Does fine in low light, also beneficial Peace Lilys will help humidify the air. Removes from indoor air: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene, Ammonia. Now that will help you to breathe easily when buying this plant for your home.

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Snake Plant

Now this plant I can’t recommend highly enough, specifically to you who are serial plant killers! Snake plants are not only stunning but are so easy to care for. They call for indirect sun, soil that drains well. And for those of you who are gone, travel or busy, you only need to water when soil is completely dried out and the Snake plant prefers the soil to be more on the dry side than moist. So overall perfect plant for those who kill everything! Removes from indoor air: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene.


Broad Leaf Lady Palm

Broadleaf Lady Palms (try to say that 3 times fast) offers great drama to a space especially since they can grow fast and tall, hopefully you are looking for a little drama from your plant. These plants are another versatile option due to them being flexible with lighting being able to thrive in indirect sun to shady areas. They do need well drained soil as they do like moist soil but are susceptible to their roots getting rot if the soil can’t drain. Removes from indoor air: Formaldehyde, Xylene, and Ammonia.


English Ivy

So if you are looking for a plant who loves bright light to indirect light. While this plant is still easy to care for, however the light situation does need to be saturated. Caution in the summer months make sure the light is indirect, because the light can burn the leaves if the sun light is direct. In the winter the English Ivy can be susceptible to pest and mildew when not receiving enough light. And if the vines are getting to long for your liking you can trim them and can easily be propagated in water. Removes from indoor air: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene.

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Gift Ideas For Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is a great reminder to show kindness to yourself and others. Here are a few great ideas for gifts for her, him, or you.

Love is kind…. No matter if you are celebrating Valentine’s Day solo or with a loved one, V-Day is a great reminder to show kindness to yourself and others. Here are a few great gift ideas for her, him, or you. Have fun spreading the love. Hugs and Kisses!

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Three Health Boosting Smoothies To Try Out In 2019

Smoothies are a great way to add a nutritional punch to your diet. These three smoothie recipes are filled with antioxidants, protein, fiber, minerals and adaptogens.


It is the beginning of 2019 naturally we are feeling inspired to start the new year off with a fresh start. Even though you might not have made resolutions for the new year it is common when overlooking the new year we want to focus our attention on our habits  that we would like to shift. Most of us think of our health during this naturally reflective period and look for areas in which our health can be improved or tweaked. I find that my mind usually drifts to my health after being stunned that another year has passed so quickly. For 2019 I have found a couple of areas that I want to improve in relations to my health like getting more fresh raw fruits and veggies into my diet every meal, be more consistent with my yoga practice, and focus on my gut health.

Depending on your health goals I think a tip that benefits many and that will help my own goals is smoothies. When friends and family ask me for tips about how to eat more veggies for themselves or their kids smoothies are my first recommendation due to how quick they are to make and if your on the go they can be taken with you. Smoothies can also be prepped ahead of time and if that doesn’t suit your schedule you can just make bigger batches and store the extras in the fridge(what I usually do). The other factor I like is how you can really make them to your liking and needs. Stuff as many greens, superfoods in and not be able to taste them count me in. While juicing is great and another way I enjoy giving my diet an extra punch smoothies are more filling with their fiber content and I usually add protein powder to mine making them great for when I workout. 

So if your a smoothie newbie or a pro I wanted to share three of my favorite smoothie recipes. These recipes are vegan, gluten free and kid approved. And according to your taste buds you really can tailor these drinks to your liking. I must also admit I usually eyeball the amount of ingredients I put in depending on my tastebuds and ingredients I have around that day. These recipes are filled with antioxidants, protein, fiber, minerals and adaptogens. All of these factors benefit anyone who is looking to be healthier. Beyond that adding adaptogens support our bodies with balancing our hormones and cognitive functions by helping our bodies adapt with daily emotional and environmental stressors. At the end of the recipes listed below I put some great ingredients that can be added to any smoothie for even an additional boost.


Pineapple Banana Cacao Smoothie

You will need:

2 Cups Pineapple Fresh/Frozen

2 Ripe Bananas Fresh/Frozen

1 1/2 Tablespoons Cacao Powder

2 Scoops of SunWarrior Vanilla Protein Powder (or your favorite vegan protein powder)

2 Cups Almond Milk (or your favorite milk)

1 Tablespoon Almond Butter

1 Teaspoon Ashwagandha Root Powder

1 Teaspoon Maca Powder


Super Green Pineapple Smoothie

You will need:

2 Cups Pineapple (Frozen/Fresh)

2 Ripe Bananas (Frozen/Fresh)

2/3 Cups Fresh Kale (use your favorite greens)

2 Scoops Navitas Organic Vanilla and Greens Superfood Powder (use your favorite vegan protein powder)

3 Cups of Almond Milk

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Blueberry Smoothie.jpg

Ultimate Blueberry Smoothie

You will need:

3 Cups Blueberries (Fresh/Frozen)

2 Ripe Bananas (Fresh/Frozen)

2 Scoops of Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder

2 Handfuls of Organic Gluten Free OldFashioned Oats

2 1/2 Cups of Almond Milk (or your favorite


Optional Smoothie Add Ins:

-Hemp Seed

-Chia Seeds

- Favorite Nut Butters

- Spirulina

- Barley Grass

-Your Favorite Adaptogen: Ive been loving Four Sigmatic’s variety of easy to add Mushroom Mixes. Also Amazing Grass superfood and beauty blends that you can add to smoothies or water when your on the go.

And Cheers to you and your health in the New Year and all your smoothie making endeavors! Let us know your favorite recipes and superfood add ins I am always for looking for new tips and tricks.

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The Best Simple Vegan Pumpkin Muffins

Yummy Easy To Make Vegan Pumpkin Muffins That You and The Whole Family Will Love.

These Pumpkin Muffins are delicious

These Pumpkin Muffins are delicious

Here in California its January meaning that it is still winter here. However if your like me when fall ended awhile ago it didn’t mean your love for pumpkin died. Also like me you probably still have a stash of canned and fresh pumpkin around your kitchen. So the other morning when my son requested muffins for breakfast I was able to whip up some super yummy vegan pumpkin muffins that were a hit with the family and came out so yummy and moist. And if you have seen any of my other recipes I have posted I only do easy recipes haha. This recipe is easy, vegan and kid approved. 

Before the recipe I have a request would you who are reading my recipes let me know if you would like more info and commentary at the beginning of the recipe post. I am writing this for you however I am writing this in a manner I would prefer because I do get irritated when I read other writers post for recipes and you have to scroll FOREVER just to find the recipe. So I prefer to get the recipe info as up front as possible in my post. So feel free to post in comments below to let me know your personal preference. Thanks and happy baking!

What you will Need:

15 ounce canned Pumpkin (or fresh)

1/3 cup melted Coconut Oil

1/2 cup Almond Milk, Unsweetened

1 1/4 cups Brown Sugar

1 3/4 cups All Purpose Flour

1 tablespoon Baking Powder

1/4 teaspoon Salt

2 teaspoons ground Cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground Nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground Cloves

1 teaspoon Vanilla


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and lightly grease a muffin pan (I used silicon muffin liners that are awesome and reusable and skipped this step).

  2. In a large mixing bowl, add the pumpkin, oil, almond milk and brown sugar. Whisk until well combined and smooth.

  3. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and spices over the wet mixture

  4. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet gently using a large spatula or spoon until just combined, being careful not to over mix.

  5. Fold in any optional ingredients, if using, and fill the muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake for 22-24 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Vegan Pumpkin Muffins

So I hope you all enjoy these muffins through out the new year of 2019. Let me know how your baking turns out and if you experimented around with the recipe. Also thought I would mention these muffins freeze well so if you make an extra big batch feel free to throw them in the freezer so you have a quick and yummy treat.

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Cooking, family, Lifetstyle, Vegan Recipes Christina Burnett Cooking, family, Lifetstyle, Vegan Recipes Christina Burnett

Gwyneth Paltrow's Kale & Sweet Potato Salad with Miso

From GP’s new cookbook, The Clean Plate


From GP’s new cookbook, The Clean Plate: “I could never get bored of this salad. Tossing the sweet potatoes with the dressing while they’re still warm is key—it helps the potatoes absorb all that delicious citrusy-umami flavor.” GWYNETH PALTROW SERVES 2 


1 sweet potato, cut into 1-inch cubes 

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon chickpea miso paste

⅛ medium red onion, thinly sliced 

¼ teaspoon grated lime zest

¼ teaspoon kosher salt

2 cups baby kale

¼ cup fresh cilantro leaves

¼ cup hulled pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

1 teaspoon sesame seeds


2 teaspoons chickpea miso paste 

2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger 

zest and juice of 2 limes

½ cup extra virgin olive oil

flaky sea salt

1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the miso and olive oil. Toss the cubed sweet potatoes in the miso mixture until evenly coated. Spread the potatoes out on the prepared baking sheet and roast for 20 to 25 minutes, until soft and caramelized.

3. While the potatoes roast, in a small bowl, toss the onion slices with the salt and lime zest and let sit for about 10 minutes.

4. Then make the dressing. In a small bowl, whisk together the miso, ginger, lime zest, and lime juice. While whisking continuously, slowly add the olive oil, then whisk until emulsified. Taste and season with salt. 

5. While the potatoes are still warm (not hot), transfer them to a serving bowl and toss with the kale, cilantro, pepitas, onion, and dressing. Finish with the sesame seeds.

For the best of GP’s clean recipes, preorder The Clean Plate.

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Lifetstyle, family, online shopping Christina Burnett Lifetstyle, family, online shopping Christina Burnett

Not So Spooky Halloween Candy - That Taste Delicious Too

Halloween is around the corner, to help you prepare here are easy to find candy options that are fun and delicious without the spooky ingredients!

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Fall is officially here and with that the kick off of the holiday season is also upon us. With every trip to the grocery store or any store for that matter seems to be another reminder Halloween is around the corner with all the loads and loads of decoration options, toys, costumes and of course candy. Thankfully (insert eye roll) it seems like EVERY store I’ve gone into with my son the store is fully stocked with Halloween supplies. Which my son loves to point out Every Single Thing! So as you can imagine shopping trips take a bit longer having to look at every single item with the kiddo and having to turn down most toys he points at. I’ve noticed at some stores its already Christmas time SISH I digress….  


With Halloween being right around the corner conversations at our house have been of what costume the kiddo would like to dress-up in. There has also been continual chats about candy. As a mom I have always and will  continue to educate our son about his food.

With every year at Halloween the lbs and lbs of candy go on sale. As I am trying to educate our son on what food we do eat and why we don’t eat some varieties of food I find it a bit of a challenge as to explain chemicals, dyes and preservatives to him(obviously lol). As simple as I try to keep my explanations I do just try to avoid certain brands of food all together that way I can show him alternatives that our family eats. And with food at the house I try to keep as natural, non-processed, organic as possible. Not only are they healthier but I also find my body feels better and not as gross as with more processed food. The other benefit of eating less processed food as a parent I have found is that explaining why these food are healthier is easier for our son to understand. Luckily at this time there are healthier alternatives to almost any food from snack food like chips, ice cream, and even candy. While we still limit these foods for special occasions it nice to have these options readily available. 

So for candy shopping it is nice that there are other healthier options out there. And while some families might lean towards more traditional candy which I totally understand and get, personally I do try to remember when shopping no matter what it's for that everything I purchase is a direct VOTE I am telling what companies I do and don’t support whether its for their ingredients, their use of animal products, or how they source their products and treat their workers. While I do not claim to have this down completely due to change in company policies or just because I am busy. I do make the effort and our shopping habits are votes (just look at the way so many companies have organic options now). Also so many children suffer from different types of food allergies to ingredients. The candies that I have recommended are also with children who have food allergies in mind. I can see how hard that would be for those kids and parents when the holiday is based on food especially even in the healthiest of form candy is not great for our diet I at least brought some options for children who have certain food limitations with candy that are made without gluten, nuts, vegan and etc. 

When writing any type of post I try to keep my objective to be solution based and simple. I wanted to share a few companies that I found to be yummy and pretty easy to find(Target, Amazon, Whole Foods, Safeway and many other stores) to keep it simple for you I have included links that lead you to Amazon for simplicity. 

  • WHOLESOME- The Organic Delishfish aka organic Swedish fish are very yummy I would have to say their’s taste better then even the original. They have a ton of other options I personally have not come across any of their candies that were not tasty.

  • SURF SWEETS- They have a wide variety of candy from Organic Jelly Beans, Gummy worms and Lolli Pops yummy tasting and even helped our family when it was time to potty training awhile back. 

  • YUM EARTH- So I have only tried their Lollipops. I found this brand actually at our son’s kid’s salon which is so incredibly adorable. But they give these organic lollipops out after haircuts taste yummy and come in wide varieties of flavors and sizes of bags.

  • LOVELY CO- Another delicious brand, but despite how it looks in this blog i’m actually not a sweets person (salt-aholic that’s me) but I will buy some of Lovely Co’s licorice which I love not to overly sweet.

  • UNREAL and MILKLESS CHOCOLATES- These two different brands are for all the vegan chocolate lovers who are looking for a delicious candy. Again I’m not a huge chocolate lover either I know I can hear you gasp from here but I have had a bite or two from both of the brands and thought they were good. And they do have a wide variety of flavors and candies.

  • BLACK FOREST- I have seen this company at varies stores and places over the years. Now I cant say I have tried their candies but I still wanted to include them not only are they a healthier option as far as any candy goes but like I said I have seen them in a wide variety of places.

  • FEAR NOT SPOOK FREE TREATS- this is another company I have not tried yet but wanted to include them as an option because they are the only vegan candy brand that i have seen so far that makes a variety Halloween candy bag that includes different kinds of candy in the bag and not just different flavors. I remember seeing this brand last year and only purchased their candy this year I will let you know about taste later…. I also believe they only make Halloween candy or maybe they make other products under another brand name?!?


I Hope some of these options works for you and your family. Wishing everyone a fun and safe Halloween! And send me some of your favorite candy or dessert options! 

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Vegan Recipes, Cooking, family, Lifetstyle Christina Burnett Vegan Recipes, Cooking, family, Lifetstyle Christina Burnett

Quick and Tasty Hummus Recipe

A Simple and Easily Versatile Hummus Recipe

Hi Tribe! 

I wanted to take a moment to share another recipe that I found to be versatile and easy to make. So I’ve been making my own hummus for quite awhile now. I love having it around just for snacks but I also use it a lot of time on my salads its so flavorful that I don’t need salad dressing. 

So as usual this recipe is easy only has a couple of ingredients and can be adjusted easily to your taste buds and can be simply expanded upon. This recipe is also quick because I just put all the ingredients in the blender and is done in minutes. So with out further ado here is the recipe and may your taste buds enjoy.


  • 2 Cans of Organic Garbanzo Beans

    *****(reserve the liquid from 1 can)*****

  • 4 Cloves of Garlic (again up to your taste buds)

  • Juice of 1 1/2 Lemons 

  • Zest of 1/2 Lemon

  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt

  • 1 Teaspoon of Chili Flakes

  • Optional: Add drizzle of Olive Oil

Add all ingredients to blender including the liquid from 1 can add slowly depending on how dry the mixture is, add as you go. Blend to desired consistency, if the mixture is a little dry add a drizzle of olive oil. Taste as you go along and add or adjust to your taste. 

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Lifetstyle, Cooking, Vegan Recipes Christina Burnett Lifetstyle, Cooking, Vegan Recipes Christina Burnett

Apple Sauce Season

Simple delicious vegan friendly recipe

Hi Tribe! I am sure you have noticed wherever you are located that the seasons are slowly starting to change. Here in Sonoma, CA there are signs that summer is coming to an end. Not only are kids back in school, I have even spotted a leaves beautifully changing color signaling that my favorite season fall will be arriving shortly. Another sign of fall coming is in my very own backyard our apple trees that have been brimming with apples all summer and are finally ripe for picking

So we have one main full sized tree that produces the majority of the apples and we have four smaller sprout trees. And something I need to admit with our trees is that I do not know what variety of apples they are…. I would love to hear from you in the comment section below if you can tell from the pictures(thanks in advance). One tree is a lighter red variety and the smaller trees have apples that are yellow in color. With all these apples on hand of course I will be giving bags of them away to friends and neighbors. However with the majority of them I will be making apple sauce and i’m sure I will also juice a few of them as well. 

I’ve done a few batches of apple sauce in the last couple days and I am running out of room in our fridge and freezer so holding off for a few days till I make more. The recipe I follow is my own which I have found to be the easiest and yet tastes so delicious while maintaining a beautiful color and consistency. I remember a couple of years back when the kiddo was just starting out on solid food and I wanted to make apple sauce; many of the recipes I found had so many steps along with having to add what I thought was quite a few ingredients.

For my recipe if you can call it that; I always tend to lean towards recipes with the simplest of ingredients which I find usually turn out the best, and get me motivated to be in the kitchen. Hope you and your family and friends enjoy!


- Step 1 Wash and Chop around Core ( I used around 20 apples and left the skins ON) 

- Step 2 Place Apples in Large Pot. The pot I usually use is 3qts or 6qts depends on what is clean (haha)

- Step 3 Add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of Water ( just so the bottom of pot is covered in water) ***if your apples are not sweet you can also sub in Organic Apple Cider  

- Step 4 Cook on stove over Med/Med High Heat you want to them to be on a low boil 

- Step 5 Stir Occasionally looking to make sure the apples have enough liquid in the pot as not to burn pot and to help them steam/cook more quickly

Step 6 DONE when Apple are Soft/Slightly Mushy (30 to 40 Min) take pot off of heat ***** you can just let them sit in pot until cooled or until you have time to blend them*******

Step 7 Blend ******CAUTION if you are working with HOT Apples*****

Blend until you get desired constituency. If you need more liquid add slowly Water or Apple Cider

Step 8 Eat and Enjoy!



-Nut Mag 

-Replace Water in recipe with Apple Cider for Added Sweetness   

Like I said this week I will be slowing down on my apple sauce production until room in my freezer or fridge opens up. That reminded me to mention that you can of course freeze the Apple Sauce. If you need smaller portions i.e. for baby, recipes, smoothies and adult winter time drinks I have used ice treys for apple sauce and its a great way to get portioned amounts. 

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Lifetstyle, eco-friendly, online shopping, family Christina Burnett Lifetstyle, eco-friendly, online shopping, family Christina Burnett

Eco-Friendly Household Favorites From Amazon -Kid Approved

Amazon has become my time, money and eco-friendly solution to shopping.

    Changing to an eco-friendly lifestyle can seem daunting. Especially when looking for products that align with being environmentally friendly. A hurdle for some can be not knowing where to begin, this understandably can stop many from making those first beginning steps. I know there is also the misconception that you better have a green thumb so you can start to grow your money tree (still waiting for mine to grow) because many people believe being eco-friendly equates to an expensive shopping choice and lifestyle. While you may have to pay a little more up front most products that are actually environmentally friendly should be long to ever-lasting, or come in more concentrated forms so that they are longer lasting as compared  with many conventional non-biodegradable products.  Another barrier i’m aware that many of us face is time constraints, and we are all so consumed with our busy over scheduled lives. However I do have a solution so you can quickly shop and be eco-friendly too.

    Enter into the picture Amazon. Amazon has become my time, money and eco-friendly solution to shopping. Which my three year old also appreciates so he doesn’t have to be dragged on any more errands then he already goes on with me.

    Another reason Amazon is a great option particularly for those who are on the go but want to improve some of their household staples because of indoor/outdoor environmental, health, children or other concerns that are related to many conventional products. Amazon makes it easy to search for items either by brands you’ve heard of or by additional easy search options. If you don’t know where to start your search simply type in “eco-friendly cleaning products”, “organic cosmetics”, or any other simple related term you will find hundreds of items. Again I can see how that also can be deterant by having so many options but here is where you as a shopper can apply your personal shopping strategy by narrowing items down by price, ingredients, or reviews. 

    When I started out learning about why changing to environmentally friendly items are important I found that starting with the basics was the easiest step to take. So with this post I felt a good jumping off point would start with my everyday items I use still, and that I use on the almost daily basis. Links for EVERY item is linked at the bottom of the post.

    So the first item I use usually several times a day whether its for smoothies, juices, water, homemade salad dressing or overnight oats are Mason Jars which have grown into a necessity in our house. I have many different sizes but find the large size is the most used.

   I admit I am constantly struggling and trying to continually to be mindful in  drinking more water. Im just not a natural water drinker, now wine thats another story (haha). I do find I drink more water with my Hydro Flask that has a straw lid on it. The other reason I like this water bottle it is great on the go and somehow I always find myself sharing it with my son (who does have his own water bottles). I have used and still own several reusable water bottles which crowd our cupboards but I always reach for my two hydro flask. I like how they don’t get condensation on the outside of the bottle and keep the temperature. They are a bit pricey but they do last and I have had mine for a couple of years now. It has also lasted for so long because I can take apart the straw from the lid making it easy to clean.

    Keeping with the theme of keeping hydrated we also use while home and on the go are metal straws. I found that if I keep them in my purse or on hand in the car I always have them around especially when we make an unexpected stop during our errands or whatever else we might be doing. So no need for plastic straws! 

    The next three items I use daily but are mostly for my 3 year old however they do come in handy even for when I am on the go. First item is awesome at saving food like left overs and has made it so I don’t use plastic wrap anymore. The brand Bees Wrap is an awesome natural reusable food wrap that not only is functional, which I am always looking for but also looks pretty visually. Because the wrap is made from natural waxes you do need to hand wash the sheets and air dry for me it isn’t a big deal because you do get a few different sized sheets and a few come in a pack. One other food saving items we use for our son when we have to pack food for our kiddo when he is off to preschool or other lunch dates he might have are the U Konserve food “Cozy” that is made of BPA-free plastic we first got a pair as a present and I have bought another pair myself. Why I like them is that when you open them they are perfectly circular and have Velcro tabs at the bottom and top so you can fold it around the food item no matter what shape it is from quesadillas to a typical PB and J. These Food Cozies are dish-washer friendly making it simple when we have to reuse them for the next day of preschool. Again most people are on the go and so is our family! One convenient item most people have seen and parents love is food pouches. While I love them for their ease, and our son recognizes them no matter what store or Starbucks we are at, I always feel guilty when using single use products. In particular with the single use pouches and how much plastic they have on them. So on a random search I saw these awesome reusable pouches by Wee Sprout. They come in a 6 pack and are 5oz so you can fit quite a bit in them from applesauce to a smoothie creation I’ve made for the day. They are awesome for road trips or again for when im packing my son’s lunch. And are so easy to wash and reuse over and over. I do put them in the dishwasher on the top rack I have not had any problems but I’m not sure if they are recommended for the dishwasher, just a heads up. 

    The next loved item our household uses is the beautifully photographed and continually posted on Instagram the coconut bowl, everyone loves a smoothie bowl. I personally fell in love with them when our family was in Hawaii for vacation on a trip a few years back. They are beautiful first of all but also the perfect size for our kiddos food and he loves them as well which gives them bonus points. The first set I got was when we were on the island. Since then I wanted more of them to use because our son likes them and we kept running out of them when it came to meal time. So thankfully Amazon came handy again with these beautiful eco-friendly options. The coconut bowls I ordered are by the brand Coco Bowlz which is a family brand. I love that the coconut bowls came with spoons. And most mornings you can find our family using them. They are useful when going on a picnic for the day or traveling because while they don’t bend or fold (duh coconut bowl lol) they are surprisingly light in weight and do stack making them easy to pack up. 

    So wrapping up my list of Eco friendly Amazon favs is Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile liquid Soap. I just love the simplicity and versatility of this soap. Our whole family loves this soap and the wide range of scents it comes in. My husband actually really likes the peppermint scent and even request it when he is out (something he never does with any other product). I also use this soap as a cleaner so I have a few glass bottles (from amazon of course) to make a homemade cleaning spray, there are a whole host of purposes for this soap listed on the bottle and more on Dr. Bronner’s website. I prefer buying the unscented soap for making my own cleaning sprays because you can add your favorite essential oil to it so I can customize the mixture to my scent mood.(haha) 

    I hope this short list of nine products helps anyone who is trying to change their products to items that are more healthy for ourselves and our planet. I know some of you are living a Green lifestyle pros when it comes to using eco-friendly products so I hope this helped with discovering new products that you might not have tried yet. And as always I would love to hear from you with your ideas, your favorite products and of course feedback! I am sending you all positive vibes and thanks for stopping by.


Here are the list if links for all the products spoken about in this article. Happy eco-friendly shopping!

  1. Mason Jars:
  2. Hydro Flask with Straw:
  3. Metal Straws:
  4. Bees Wrap Reusable Food Wraps:
  5. U Konserve Food Cozy:
  6. Wee Sprout Reusable Pouch:
  7. Me Organic Coconut Bowls:
  8. Amber Glass Spray Bottle:
  9. Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap:
A few of my eco-friendly favorites

A few of my eco-friendly favorites

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Christina Burnett Christina Burnett

August Attentions -And Why I Use Attention Vs Intension

August Is Here

    August is here and as they say “time passes when your having fun”. With the days spent by the pool trying to escape the heat, cool drinks (yes to another rosé), and get togethers with friends that always lead to late nights outside reminiscing and marveling at the stars. Before you know it, all of the fun times together have lead to the inevitably sped up calendar and a conclusion of summer. 

    So with the ending of July, like other months, I took time to make a list of my Attentions. Yes I meant Attention Vs Intension. Why I chose the varying of words is attention is what I am giving this list while I make it but also the focus of things i’m writing down all pertains to where, what, and how I want to give myself attention that month.

    Attention is about caring and focusing on what matters in that moment or period of time. Attention I feel also calls for love, kindness, planning and patience. These are all qualities I want to apply to myself with the intent of growing unconditional love to me (ugh I dislike using “Myself” so annoying, anyone else feel me?). With great care I hope to share that same unconditional love with all. 

    I try to keep my list and list making simple and attainable. Another practice I've included when making my monthly list is to do it shortly after I have meditated or have had a chance to tune in breathe and listen to myself tune into where I need to show myself some love and care. 

    So I would like to take a pause here and make it known that showing myself consideration, unconditional love and care is still a work in progress and most likely a life-long project. It has taken years and getting my ass/health kicked for this message to sink in. I do find that I put myself last on my to-do list when schedule or life is busy (which seems like always). My natural inclination to put others first is well intentioned but flawed I have seen first hand how this isn’t helpful not to me, my family or other commitments. Not to sound like a cliché but daily meditation has helped with show me how vital it is for me to stop, listen and just be still. Everything gets done. It might not get done at the exact time when I planned that it might. Again this is another lesson for me in letting go and knowing the universe has my back with a space and time for everything.

    I also like to keep my monthly Attentions mostly pertaining to me and my personal goals. This helps with keeping my attention (haha). Like most people with my never ending to-do list, to add more task or outside objectives is not helpful and just bombards and defeats my point of making the list. Like I said self care is an evolving and intentionally cultivated practice that I am trying to develop in… So just keeping my list to more concise and attainable, self love actions helps keep this ritual going monthly and have it be useful.

    I hope this dialog was helpful in how I set goals for the month. Please let me know in the comments below if you found this helpful and please share what tips & tricks you use for your monthly goals. Have a wonderful month! 

August Attentions: Please don't judge my hand writing to harshly haha (toddler interuptions)

August Attentions: Please don't judge my hand writing to harshly haha (toddler interuptions)

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