Easy To Care For Indoor Plants -That Purify Your Indoor Space And Are Aesthetically Pleasing


Let us say staying indoors so much, can test anyone's sanity. Since many of us have spent more time in our home than usual, you are likely to have noticed that your interior features could use a little love or upgrading. One easy and more affordable way to change up any interior of a home is with indoor plants. With ease, indoor plants effortlessly add more character, dimension, and color to a room.

 Another bonus many indoor plants help cleanse the air, which is especially beneficial when we spend extra time inside. Even if you keep a tidy home, it's easy to forget that there is off-gassing being released from furniture, paints, carpet, rugs, etc. Off-gassing can contribute to the toxicity of our indoor air. We lovingly use indoor plants to add our design aesthetic with the added benefits of helping the quality of our indoor air. 

Indoor plants range in their difficulty of care, and we have all had that heartbreaking moment when we have killed a beloved plant. To help your plant skip a tragic end, we recommend some beautiful yet easy-to-care-for plants. While also linking you to articles and studies NASA did here and here about indoor plants and the benefits they have on our indoor spaces.


Rubber Plant

Beautiful leaves that provide any space with a powerful color palate. Their beautiful leaves also help remove formaldehyde and carbon dioxide from the air, a beauty with intelligence. Care is easy for this none finicky plant that needs little sun and if you forget to water here and there will cause it to grow slower, but plant can recover with consistent care. Removes from indoor air: Formaldehyde, Mold, Carbon Dioxide.


Peace Lily

Peace Lilys are a flowering plant which sets it apart from most indoor plants. This doesn’t translate to it being high maintenance. Does fine in low light, also beneficial Peace Lilys will help humidify the air. Removes from indoor air: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene, Ammonia. Now that will help you to breathe easily when buying this plant for your home.

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Snake Plant

Now this plant I can’t recommend highly enough, specifically to you who are serial plant killers! Snake plants are not only stunning but are so easy to care for. They call for indirect sun, soil that drains well. And for those of you who are gone, travel or busy, you only need to water when soil is completely dried out and the Snake plant prefers the soil to be more on the dry side than moist. So overall perfect plant for those who kill everything! Removes from indoor air: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene.


Broad Leaf Lady Palm

Broadleaf Lady Palms (try to say that 3 times fast) offers great drama to a space especially since they can grow fast and tall, hopefully you are looking for a little drama from your plant. These plants are another versatile option due to them being flexible with lighting being able to thrive in indirect sun to shady areas. They do need well drained soil as they do like moist soil but are susceptible to their roots getting rot if the soil can’t drain. Removes from indoor air: Formaldehyde, Xylene, and Ammonia.


English Ivy

So if you are looking for a plant who loves bright light to indirect light. While this plant is still easy to care for, however the light situation does need to be saturated. Caution in the summer months make sure the light is indirect, because the light can burn the leaves if the sun light is direct. In the winter the English Ivy can be susceptible to pest and mildew when not receiving enough light. And if the vines are getting to long for your liking you can trim them and can easily be propagated in water. Removes from indoor air: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene.


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