No-Cook Watermelon Recipes That Everyone Will Savor This Summer

Cooling no cook recipes featuring the summer’s star fruit Watermelon!

Watermelon Cooler

Watermelon Cooler

Watermelon the yummy classic cooling and delicious watery fruit of the summer. At our house we have been going through and eating a few watermelons a week. And yes the one doing most of the consuming of the watermelon is me, just give me some watermelon and a bottle of Tajin seasoning, such the perfect combo for my taste bud who prefers food that is on the savory side. When days are longer and hotter during the summer I have been noticing a difference in my appetite, sometimes not getting hungry until later in the day. Also with the warmer days I don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen so I love a good salad and since we always have watermelon on hand I have been finding creative ways to use it, including my smoothies, salads and cocktails. So let me share my hydrating recipes.


Watermelon Cleanser

Watermelon Cleanser

Watermelon Refresher

  • 1 Frozen Banana

  • 1/2 of Smaller Watermelon, (Flesh Only, Seedless)

  • Handful Cilantro

  • 2 Sprigs of Mint

  • 1 Cup of Coconut Water

Directions: Blend if you want it a bit Thicker or Colder Add Ice

Tip: Blend up Watermelon, then Pour Liquid in Ice Tray. Add the Ice Cubes to smoothie then blend or Add Ice Cubes to Keep Drink Colder Longer

Watermelon Cleanser

  • 1/2 Watermelon (seedless)

  • 1 Romaine Lettuce

  • 1 Apple

  • 1 Lemon (juice)

  • Add Water or Ice to get desired consistency (hint: Add a little at a time)

Directions: Blend


Watercress and Arugula add a nice spice to the salad that offsets the Watermelon’s sweetness

Watercress and Arugula add a nice spice to the salad that offsets the Watermelon’s sweetness

Savory Watermelon Salad

  • 1/2 of a Seedless Watermelon, Cubed into Bite Sized Pieces

  • Arugula and/or Watercress

  • 1/2 Red Onion or more if you Love Onion like me

  • 2-3 Sprigs of Mint and/or Basil

  • 1 Can Garbanzo Beans

  • 1 Avocado

  • 1 Cucumber

  • 2 Ripe Tomatoes

  • 1 Package of Feta ( used Miyokos Vegan Feta)

  • Optional: Add Slivered Almonds, Or Pinenuts

Dressing: Mix together Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Chilli Pepper Flakes, Garlic Powder, Salt and Pepper. Add All According to your Taste Buds. Add Dressing to salad ingredients and enjoy!

Tip: If making ahead of time or going to have over the next few days add Arugula or Watercress as you serve salad, the lettuce won’t wilt and salad will last longer.



Watermelon Jalapeño Margarita

  • 1-3 Cups of Blended Watermelon, Chilled

  • 1 Lime, Juiced

  • 2 Ounce of Silver Tequila

  • 2-3 Slices of Jalapeño, Muddled

  • Add 2 leaves of Basil, Muddled

  • Ice

Directions: Put all ingredients in a shaker, Salt glass rim, Pour ingredients over ice.

Tip: Make ahead Watermelon Ice Cubes, Use as ice in Drink

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National Junk Food Day: Healthy Vegan Options That Actually Taste Good, For a Random National Holiday

Sharing my favorite healthier snack opotions for the inner snacker in you, with choices that actually taste good on National Junk Food Day!


So who knew there was a national holiday that gives you an excuse to snack? Yes it’s called National Junk Food Day. While I used to pretty much live off of Spicy Cheetos with Limoné, and Mountain Dew (yes great taste lol), when I was in high school. Wow have times changed, yet I still do love snacking. So I wanted to share my favorite healthier snacks that actually taste good!

As you can tell I love savory flavors over sweet, but I want to know what your favorite snacks are, below leave your favorites in the comments I love to find new options!

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Three Health Boosting Smoothies To Try Out In 2019

Smoothies are a great way to add a nutritional punch to your diet. These three smoothie recipes are filled with antioxidants, protein, fiber, minerals and adaptogens.


It is the beginning of 2019 naturally we are feeling inspired to start the new year off with a fresh start. Even though you might not have made resolutions for the new year it is common when overlooking the new year we want to focus our attention on our habits  that we would like to shift. Most of us think of our health during this naturally reflective period and look for areas in which our health can be improved or tweaked. I find that my mind usually drifts to my health after being stunned that another year has passed so quickly. For 2019 I have found a couple of areas that I want to improve in relations to my health like getting more fresh raw fruits and veggies into my diet every meal, be more consistent with my yoga practice, and focus on my gut health.

Depending on your health goals I think a tip that benefits many and that will help my own goals is smoothies. When friends and family ask me for tips about how to eat more veggies for themselves or their kids smoothies are my first recommendation due to how quick they are to make and if your on the go they can be taken with you. Smoothies can also be prepped ahead of time and if that doesn’t suit your schedule you can just make bigger batches and store the extras in the fridge(what I usually do). The other factor I like is how you can really make them to your liking and needs. Stuff as many greens, superfoods in and not be able to taste them count me in. While juicing is great and another way I enjoy giving my diet an extra punch smoothies are more filling with their fiber content and I usually add protein powder to mine making them great for when I workout. 

So if your a smoothie newbie or a pro I wanted to share three of my favorite smoothie recipes. These recipes are vegan, gluten free and kid approved. And according to your taste buds you really can tailor these drinks to your liking. I must also admit I usually eyeball the amount of ingredients I put in depending on my tastebuds and ingredients I have around that day. These recipes are filled with antioxidants, protein, fiber, minerals and adaptogens. All of these factors benefit anyone who is looking to be healthier. Beyond that adding adaptogens support our bodies with balancing our hormones and cognitive functions by helping our bodies adapt with daily emotional and environmental stressors. At the end of the recipes listed below I put some great ingredients that can be added to any smoothie for even an additional boost.


Pineapple Banana Cacao Smoothie

You will need:

2 Cups Pineapple Fresh/Frozen

2 Ripe Bananas Fresh/Frozen

1 1/2 Tablespoons Cacao Powder

2 Scoops of SunWarrior Vanilla Protein Powder (or your favorite vegan protein powder)

2 Cups Almond Milk (or your favorite milk)

1 Tablespoon Almond Butter

1 Teaspoon Ashwagandha Root Powder

1 Teaspoon Maca Powder


Super Green Pineapple Smoothie

You will need:

2 Cups Pineapple (Frozen/Fresh)

2 Ripe Bananas (Frozen/Fresh)

2/3 Cups Fresh Kale (use your favorite greens)

2 Scoops Navitas Organic Vanilla and Greens Superfood Powder (use your favorite vegan protein powder)

3 Cups of Almond Milk

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Blueberry Smoothie.jpg

Ultimate Blueberry Smoothie

You will need:

3 Cups Blueberries (Fresh/Frozen)

2 Ripe Bananas (Fresh/Frozen)

2 Scoops of Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder

2 Handfuls of Organic Gluten Free OldFashioned Oats

2 1/2 Cups of Almond Milk (or your favorite


Optional Smoothie Add Ins:

-Hemp Seed

-Chia Seeds

- Favorite Nut Butters

- Spirulina

- Barley Grass

-Your Favorite Adaptogen: Ive been loving Four Sigmatic’s variety of easy to add Mushroom Mixes. Also Amazing Grass superfood and beauty blends that you can add to smoothies or water when your on the go.

And Cheers to you and your health in the New Year and all your smoothie making endeavors! Let us know your favorite recipes and superfood add ins I am always for looking for new tips and tricks.

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The Best Simple Vegan Pumpkin Muffins

Yummy Easy To Make Vegan Pumpkin Muffins That You and The Whole Family Will Love.

These Pumpkin Muffins are delicious

These Pumpkin Muffins are delicious

Here in California its January meaning that it is still winter here. However if your like me when fall ended awhile ago it didn’t mean your love for pumpkin died. Also like me you probably still have a stash of canned and fresh pumpkin around your kitchen. So the other morning when my son requested muffins for breakfast I was able to whip up some super yummy vegan pumpkin muffins that were a hit with the family and came out so yummy and moist. And if you have seen any of my other recipes I have posted I only do easy recipes haha. This recipe is easy, vegan and kid approved. 

Before the recipe I have a request would you who are reading my recipes let me know if you would like more info and commentary at the beginning of the recipe post. I am writing this for you however I am writing this in a manner I would prefer because I do get irritated when I read other writers post for recipes and you have to scroll FOREVER just to find the recipe. So I prefer to get the recipe info as up front as possible in my post. So feel free to post in comments below to let me know your personal preference. Thanks and happy baking!

What you will Need:

15 ounce canned Pumpkin (or fresh)

1/3 cup melted Coconut Oil

1/2 cup Almond Milk, Unsweetened

1 1/4 cups Brown Sugar

1 3/4 cups All Purpose Flour

1 tablespoon Baking Powder

1/4 teaspoon Salt

2 teaspoons ground Cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground Nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground Cloves

1 teaspoon Vanilla


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and lightly grease a muffin pan (I used silicon muffin liners that are awesome and reusable and skipped this step).

  2. In a large mixing bowl, add the pumpkin, oil, almond milk and brown sugar. Whisk until well combined and smooth.

  3. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and spices over the wet mixture

  4. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet gently using a large spatula or spoon until just combined, being careful not to over mix.

  5. Fold in any optional ingredients, if using, and fill the muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake for 22-24 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Vegan Pumpkin Muffins

So I hope you all enjoy these muffins through out the new year of 2019. Let me know how your baking turns out and if you experimented around with the recipe. Also thought I would mention these muffins freeze well so if you make an extra big batch feel free to throw them in the freezer so you have a quick and yummy treat.

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