Collagen -Why You Need To Add It Into Your Diet, Plus Budget and Vegan Friendly Options

Tips for supporting your bodies production of Collagen, one of the major types of proteins our body uses to support our skin, nails, and hair.


Collagen has hit its peak in popularity (you heard it here first, ha) in the beauty and wellness arenas, its everywhere! From Sephora to your local chain grocery store and of course as my son calls is “The Amazon”can ship it to your front door. I must say I didn’t dive in head first to this trend. And I don’t usually with a lot of trends, I wait to see if there is any feedback or waining within individual’s results, because frankly it is expensive and time sucking to keep up while being informed on all the latest trends. I also don’t have a lot of extra time to incorporate new items into my routine so functionality of a product is another key factor. 

A great example of an ongoing trend that is great but I couldn’t fully get onboard with is the Celery Juice Drink. While I loved having Celery Juice first thing in the morning, I don’t have time to juice celery every morning especially if there is a chance I will wake up the kiddo with the noise of the juicer, and due to most mornings I wake up before me little sleepy head. I found it also nonfunctional with this drink to have celery continually stock in the fridge, ie me always having to run to the store because celery had run out at home wasn’t always plausible. So I have semi parted ways with this drink, and only do it on occasion so I can keep my sanity in the morning, and still keep this healthy beneficial trend in my back pocket.

Yes I know I went off topic a bit, but my point is and I think will always be that I am very practical (hello typical virgo with OCD here) and wanting to only share tips and trends that are workable, realistic, and try to also give cost effective short cuts! 

So that leads me back to Collagen. I was familiar with the benefits of collagen for our bodies, but my personal focus with the use of collagen was a bit more cosmetic however I was pleased to have results with my hair, skin and did notice a less cracking of my joints when exercising. Like many women who are moms there are inevitable changes that happen, to it put mildly. After our son was born my hair became super super course in the back. While I have always had thick semi curly hair, this course texture made hair styling so time consuming and I just never fully liked the end results. As for my skin….well you try to go without sleep for two years straight. Lets just say concealer and I are BFFs for life. I have found the Powder I use and the supplement that I have taken on the regular now for a few months were an ease to add into my routine, and more important I saw results. My hair has become more softer like it used to be, and styling is more easily done to the lessening of the former course texture. So my skin…. has been going through its own journey due to some not quite diagnosed medical issues, I have been having swelling, hives and breakouts due to severe allergies and possible other issues (might share later when I have more answers from doctors). However with all the other issues my skin is going through between spells my skin has been able to heal faster and feels more balanced. This is quite funny to write and is so counter intuitive to how bad my face appears when I am going through “bouts” that are linked to other issues, but it is a testament to the benefits of aiding our bodies in the healing process, in this case with collagen.  

What Is Collagen?

So why is collagen so beneficial to our bodies? Collagen is one of the building blocks that cements our bodies together, and one of the major types of proteins our body uses. You find Collagen in connective tissue ie joints, ligaments, muscle and skin. You can also find Collagen in fibrous tissues like our heart, blood vessels and digestive track. The major area that is being exposed and hyper focused on at this time for the importance of collagen is in beauty and wellness industry, as collagen being a main component in the structure of our skin, hair and nails, and how the appearance/strength can be improved if our body is making the proper amounts of collagen. Unfortunately our bodies production of collagen does slow down as we get older. You can see the results of the less dense connective tissue under a microscope on someone who is older, smokes or excessively tans which can all attribute to and lower collagen levels in our dermis layer of skin (Middle layer) making it less dense in connective tissue. This can lead to skin looking thinner, crepey, weakened and not as plump. This loss of collagen can also lend itself to contributing to joints and muscles feeling more stiff, limited range of motion and shrinking of muscles. The far reaching affects and benefits of collagen is easy to see how it can be helpful and worthwhile to look into this trending focus on collagen. 

So a issue that I had when powders and formulas first came out was they were all animal based, depending on the companies extraction process they use mostly ligaments and other areas where you find connective tissue and extract it from animals bone and tissue. Personally I have been plant based for over twelve years so the formulas I was finding were not compatible. The point I like to make here that sometimes I believe is missed, when you are consuming a protein from an animal in this case mainly collagen which is a triple helix (think DNA) your body can’t consume that protein whole. Because that protein and its formulation was made for that animal’s body based on that animals needs and diet. Since your body can’t consume that protein whole your body has to break it down, and it formulates what your body needs from it, and what it doesn’t use or consume becomes waste. I am bringing up this point not to go on a tangent (again lol) but its a point I see missing from the collagen conversation. On the other hand when eating plant based collagen builders specifically fruits, veggies, legumes, grains and nuts the profile of these foods doesn’t require your body to break down a complex animal protein making it easier on your body to get the resources it needs ie collagen, vitamins and minerals. Beyond that, plant based options offer other nutrients that help support your bodies collagen production like Vitamin C, A, E, B1 which are some of the key components in the synthesis of your body making collagen, so when getting your collagen from plant based options your body gets the all around ingredients it also needs for pre/post production and protection to help prevent breakdown.


So I am aware of the cost of products specifically in the beauty and wellness space can add up really fast . I do want to share a few products that I saw results from. However I wanted to add in foods that can benefit and support our bodies in the making of collagen and are great for overall skin, hair, nails and well body health that are also a little less taxing on our wallets also more sustainable. For me personally investing in my health is important because I see that everything is possible when you have your health. Health is wealth!

Collagen Building Products

Collagen Building Foods

Let me know what resinated with you in this blog and if you start to include any of these tips into your routine. Also please share your favorite collagen boosting tips, you know what to do comment below!

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Essential Oils: Quick and Easy Ways To Add Them To Your Daily Routine

Essential oils are extracted from plants, herbs, flowers and fruits their oils offer us powerful and amazingly potent plant power. Here are some of the ways I use essential oils on the daily and recipes that I have found to use around my house, my skin and other uses.

My daily routine and the daily products I use have to be a quick process, with most of my day spent on the go. As I am sure many of you can relate. A great product I wanted to share because of the wide varieties of uses with great impact are essential oils. I use various types of oils that vary in the countless ways they can be used, from helping me to focus on a project that might be a little tedious (like writing ha), to helping me gain ease when feeling some anxiety creeping up, or if my allergies are kicking my ass, again essential oils come into use. I know some of you reading this you might be familiar with essential oils, but if your like me I love to hear from people about their techniques in using products, specifically if their processes are simple yet beneficial, like the applications I wanted to share with you are.

Essential Oils can be utilized for in home cleaning sprays, in baths to help with sore muscles or stuffy noses, hand sanitizers, flavoring in soups (lemongrass my favorite) and skincare. So the fact that essential oils are extracted from plants, herbs, flowers and fruits their oils offer us powerful and amazingly potent plant power. This concentration of plant power has so many various benefits and their effectiveness are backed by science ( and centuries worth of techniques from a wide tradition of medical modalities and religious practices. 

My appreciation has grown for essential oils as I have learned new uses for them and how easy they are to incorporate into my everyday routine. This appreciation goes a bit further then just their use but also their ability to trigger bodily responses even by just simply smelling. Take an oil like Lavender which increases inclinations to slow down and  triggers a response to your nervous system to relax and just taking a few deep breaths no matter what I am doing makes me feel more at ease. Yet Lavender is also high in antioxidants so topical use on skin is known to soothe skin especially skin that might be suffering from bug bites, minor burns, and acne. I will link all the Oils I use at the end.

Here are some of the ways I use essential oils on the daily:


I practice meditation daily in the mornings. Some days I am sure you can relate either I have a full to do list, or my mind is extra busy and all over the place. I use essential oils to help trigger myself to be more present. I love to use lavender or a mental clarity blend which also has lavender in it. I dab it on the base of my palms and rub my hands together to warm and activate the oil further, then cup my eyes making the base of my palms at nose level and taking a few deep breaths. This practice lets me sink into meditation more immediately and deeper. And if my son makes an appearance he also likes to take a few whiffs of the oil. This method of using essential oils for calming is also great before bed.


So yes winter did find us here in California, and boy has my skin been having a tantrum over it. One way I like to help soothe my skin is a skin mist.  I make it with 10 drops of Chamomile Oil and only around 5 drops or so of Lavender. I keep my reused bottle in the fridge which adds another layer of comfort to my skin with the cooler temp. In the summer time I will switch up the mixture by adding Lemongrass Oil instead of Lavender. Lemongrass oil I love the refreshing vibrant scent but it is potent add around 3 drop of it and your set its that powerful in how potent the scent is.


Facial Mist

1 Cup of Purified Water

2 Organic Green Tea Bags

10 Drops of Chamomile essential oil

Direction: Brew the two tea bags in 1 cup of water let cool, remove tea bags, then add essential oil than add all liquid to preferably a glass bottle.




Essential Oils have such an instant impact to your senses and are a way to change the mood feeling of a room/home. To our diffuser in the morning time a more vibrant scent like citrus based scents add an uplifting boost I often add lemon, orange, lemon grass or even tea tree. The citrus scented oils make especially early mornings more doable in the way the scents  help to naturally offer your senses a kick of zest that are nice especially on early winters morning when it is chilly and dark out. The essential oils to me also just make the house feel cleaner by having a fresh scent filling the room. I like a little warmer scents in my bedroom such as Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and switching up the oil at night time with a more calming scent. I use diffusers around the house I find diffuser easy to use and maintain.


Another way I create with the oils to make beautiful scents is by diluting the oil with water to make a room spray. Again super easy to make but I can change the scent quickly depending on what I am liking at the time. These sprays are just another way I like to make our house feel fresh especially during the winter when you are likely to be more enclosed in your house or if you have pets for roommates. One other tip I have only done only a couple of times is spray our bed and pillows with a more relaxing scented spray before bed. I know bedtime pillow sprays are totally in right now but by  the time I am finally able to get to bed I just pass out, or don’t have the capacity to even think about any spray haha. However I will turn on the diffuser and add additional relaxing sleep time oils in it. However I do have a simple pillow/sheet spray that you can use like I said I always forget about the spray when it does come down to me going to bed but those handful of times I did remember I found the scent to be very relaxing.


Pillow Mist

1/4 cup distilled water

3 tablespoons witch hazel

20 drops lavender essential oil

15 drops frankincense essential oil

Room Spray

  • 1/2 cup water 

  • 2 tablespoons Vanilla Extract

  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil

  • 5 drops Chamomile essential oil

Homemade Essential Oils Spray


So another way essential oils keep our house fresh is by helping me clean it. And I must say that one way I pick cleaners is by their smell and yes it takes me awhile to shop because I do have to smell everything thankfully my son is totally a professional smeller like his mom. My husband however….. I digress. So I like to make a couple of my own concoctions that work really well and I can simply change the scent whenever. 

Cleaning Scrub

2 cups of Baking Soda

10 Tea Tree essential oil

10 of your Favorite essential oil

Cleaning Spray

1 cup of Water

1/2 cup of White Vinegar

15 drops of Tea Tree Oil

20 drops of Eucalyptus Oil or your favorite oil

I am continually adding oils to my collection, as I learn about new uses. For example last week while our family was battling a cold, so I used Tea Tree oil with water as hand sanitizer. I get most of my oils from my naturopathic doctor, and the oils she uses are of such high quality and I love them and will be linking them below. I found a wonderful essential oil blend on my last visit to her office ( I get B-12 shots) that is made to clear your sinuses and had a few ways to use it ie q-tip up your nostrils, rub on the chest and for my son I added several drops to his bath. 

So here are some of my oils that I have on hand:

Chamolmile (

Eucalyptus Globulus (

Lavender (I dont know what they do but this is the best ever lavender scent I have ever smelled)


Orange, Sweet

Lemon Verbena


Tea Tree

Ylang Ylang Complete

Thyme ct Linalol



Geranium, Rose

Mental Clarity

Stress Recovery

Sinus Formula 

So these essential oils are all the same brand this is not sponsored like I said previously I just buy the oils from my naturopathic doctor who sells this brand but I must say I do like the brand for their quality and easy use. Please comment below and leave some of your favorite essential oils and your favorite concoctions! And would love to hear feedback on if you tried any of these recipes.

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