Sunscreen: Fun In The Sun, While Choosing The Safest And Most Effective Formula For Your Skin

Sunscreen, Your Guide To Sun Protection Made Simple.

Summer Vibes

Summer Vibes

Over The Last Few Years More and More Information Has Been Trickling Out About ingredients skincare naturally leads down the rabbit hole Of information into sunscreen. When looking into Any Skincare Including sunscreen, Research quickly Leads us To that; not all sunscreen is created equally by any means. The Basics of sunscreen is to break them into two basic categories you have Chemical and Physical Sunscreens or a combo of both.

Some Might Find This Next Few Facts on sunscreen Hard To Believe but feel free To-Do Your Research and Links are throughout the article. There is no real conclusive evidence that sunscreen works and the advertisements on bottles of cancer prevention also is not definitive with evidence. According to the CDC's report on Melanoma rates of women and men, the CDC found increasing yearly rates which are climbing at a rate of 1.4 to 1.7 percent. In particular, Melanoma has been increasing in people who spend most of their time indoors compared to others whose careers or choice of lifestyle has them outside frequently, which puzzles researchers. Another factor about this deadly form of skin cancer Melanoma has been more repeatedly diagnosed on areas on the body with little to no sun exposure. To find more surprising information on skin cancer and SPF, always use The environmental working group's website for further detailed information and a wide variety of studies.

After reading different reports and seeing that the type of sunscreen used is essential in getting actual UV protection and not having chemical ingredients that can do more harm than good in the SPF, All These Factors are Worth Considering When Buying Sunscreen. While Many Are Wanting To Be More mindful about the sunscreen formula Used On Themselves And family, Still Wanting To Err On The Side Of Caution Especially When Planning To Be Outside Or Planning For Fun In The Sun.

So Here is Our Guide to buying SPF, Along with A shopping Guide To Our Favorite Sunscreens in an easy to use shopping guide. An Added Bonus When Choosing Cleaner Sunscreen Formulas Not Only Are Your getting Quality Protection But Most Are also Coral reef Safe And Again EWG.Com is A wonderfully Easy To Used and detailed resource.

Chemical Sunscreen

There are two basic categories when it comes to SPF, Chemical, and Physical sun protection. One of the more popular and found most often is Chemical sunscreen protection. Chemical Sunscreen commonly uses oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, and octinoxateas. Most formulas have the previously mentioned ingredients and regularly combine them. As the classification suggests, you are getting protection from the chemicals in the sunscreen. The substances protect by seeping into your epidermis then diffusing the UV rays into heat, which your body then releases. Chemical sunscreen has been widely used in recent years for a few good reasons. When picturing a lifeguard, most of us have the Iconic image of any classic Summer or beach circa70's/80's movie Scene, where the lifeguard has a thick layer of white sunscreen covering their nose (which is a physical sunscreen). This iconic cinematic look is one most people have wanted to avoid! 

Chemical sunscreens can disappear into the skin and do not require the usual rubbing involved of physical sunscreens of the past, making chemical sunscreens a prominent option for many when wanting to avoid that ashy, white appearance. Chemical sunscreen's ability to blend into the skin has made it a standard formula, especially in the cosmetics industry, because it can be added to beauty and skincare products, specifically as most people are trying to protect their skin from sun damage. When a product offers you the chance to avoid applying two products with just one product, you can see why a foundation, for example, with SPF in it would be an option that many people would gravitate to buy. 

There are a few primary concerns when considering chemical sunscreens first. If you or your child have sensitive skin, this formula should be avoided. If you have Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Melasma, and Hyper Pigmentation, or overheating issues, these skin conditions are prone to flare up with chemical sunscreens due to the mechanics of how this variety of SPF works. This variety of skin conditions Are Prone To flare up when the skin gets overheated. Sensitive skin may also react to Chemical Sunscreen due to the sheer level of chemical ingredients in sunscreen. The chances of skin being irritated are more likely the higher the SPF number is. There is no real formula difference between an SPF 35 and that of a higher SPF. Formulas With SPF numbers above 35 are simply a marketing ploy, as a formulation has yet to be created that offers greater protection. Since there is no real formulation that has been designed to protect more effectively, sunscreen brands add higher concentrated levels of chemicals into their formulations.

Besides triggering skin conditions, the full range of chemicals at high levels can cause chemical burns, especially severe when considering that chemical sunscreens have penetration enhancers, which are added to give seemingly more sun protection. Another Concerning Factor Is the FDA decided to grandfather the same chemicals that were formulated in the 1970s!?! (lazy much???) Instead Of Testing Individual Ingredients Brands are using. In extensive laboratory studies of the ingredients used in SPFs, an issue arises with the substances used because sunscreen as a whole goes on such a wide variety of body parts like our lips, face, body, lungs(spray sunscreen), making it further of concern The formulation of chemical sunscreen is designed to penetrate our epidermis so it can work as intended. The natural absorption into our skin also means the formula can be absorbed into our blood, urine, and even mothers' breastmilk

Alarming is the ability of the ingredients to mimic hormones, especially A Specifically Well Known hormone disrupter is oxybenzone. Oxybenzone affects hormones so much that it was banned in Hawaii for oxybenzone's ability even to disrupt the hormones of coral reefs leading to the effected coral reefs to die. There was such a significant correlation that lead to the state of Hawaii to ban the ingredient and all sunscreens containing oxybenzone. This particular ingredient oxybenzone has been reported by the CDC to be detected in 96 percent of the U.S. population. In recent years, many studies and their data have shown the Adverse effects of hormone disrupters, especially considering that many of these harmful results could have been prevented if the FDA had been more Diligent by not just grandfathering Ingredients for approval. The more the formulations are studied more information on the harm these products can have on our various body systems are being shown. Here is where we suggest that you visit the Environmental Working Group's site; they have an in-depth database and multiple studies on sunscreen Ingredients. Their website is such an excellent resource for such a wide range of Household and self-care products too.

Can you tell We Are passionate about the quality of products, especially those that are advertised safe for babies and children?!?

Physical Sunscreen

Physical sunscreen is the other classification that is found in UV protection, as its name suggests. It protects by providing a physical barrier between your skin and reflecting UV Rays off your skin. The two main ingredients in physical sunscreens are Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. When shopping for sunscreens, you will be able to easily find physical sunscreens by the other name of Mineral Sunscreen, which many brands make. However, to make sure the formulation is just a mineral base, you need to look at the active ingredients. The only listed active ingredients should be Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide. If you notice other active ingredients listed, then the formulation is a Chemical sunscreen, which is typical for brands to combine physical and chemical sunscreens.

Tip when shopping for sunscreen, the simpler the list of ingredients, the cleaner the formulation. This also applies to the advertisements on the packaging, the fewer claims it has on it like anti-aging, waterproof, lasts all day, etc. The less likely it will irritate your skin. When looking for SPF information, EWG.Com has an in-depth ranking of sunscreens, so you can effortlessly search the ranking of your sunscreen you already use. Many Interested in Natural Skincare or having skin issues Gravitate Towards feeling more comfortable using minerals that reflect UV rays instead of using various chemicals to disperse the light into the heat as with chemical sunscreens. Mineral Sunscreen has been shown to protect the best against UV A and UV B, providing a broader spectrum of protection from UV rays, which is the whole point of wearing sunscreen in the first place. Zinc oxide has been found in studies to offer the broadest protection against UV light, with Titanium oxide being the second-best in providing a full spectrum of protection.

The Evident Protection And functionality, while not being irritating to sensitive skin Makes Mineral sunscreens an excellent option for those of us who suffer from sensitive skin issues of Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Melasma, and Hyper Pigmentation. Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide provide barriers by sitting on the skin's surface and not contributing to your skin heating up. Also, the formulation can be minimal, so irritation from chemicals will be less prominent of an issue.

With previous formulations of mineral sunscreens, there was the typical issue when applied of having the thick white formula, which didn't disappear upon application. With new Mineral SPFs coming out all the time now, the past issue of not having the sunscreen blend completely has been less of a problem. One way companies have gotten rid of this the chunky mineral problem is my using nanoparticles, especially with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, the smaller particles in the formulation. So the SPF will rub into the skin more fully without that white shadow look. A factor to consider from a study when scientists exposed mice with titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Titanium Dioxide was detected in the mice offspring, so just another factor to consider when shopping. A Label to look for if this is of concern, many brands don't use nanoparticles and will advertise on the label that they don't use nanoparticles in their products.

While we do think studies and data are essential, we also know that it can be overwhelming to take so much information in. To offer help, we provided you with a shopping guide to our favorite clean formulated sunscreens that offer us protection when having fun in the sun.

Mineral Sunscreens and Tinted Mineral Sunscreens Shopping Guide

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The Ultimate Wellness Gift Guide

Show your loved ones how special they and their Wellness are with the help of this Wellness Gift Guide!


Show your loved ones how special they and their wellness are with the help of this Wellness Gift Guide! Gifts that will help them feel taken care of, charged, healthy, glowing and ready to take on 2020 with passion!

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Sunscreen, Your Guide To Sun Protection Made Simple.

Summer Vibes

Summer Vibes

Over The Last Few Years More and More Information Has Been Trickling Out About ingredients skincare naturally leads down the rabbit hole Of information into sunscreen. When looking into Any Skincare Including sunscreen, Research quickly Leads us To that; not all sunscreen is created equally by any means. The Basics of sunscreen is to break them into two basic categories you have Chemical and Physical Sunscreens or a combo of both.

Some Might Find This Next Few Facts on sunscreen Hard To Believe but feel free To-Do Your Research and Links are throughout the article. There is no real conclusive evidence that sunscreen works and the advertisements on bottles of cancer prevention also is not definitive with evidence. According to the CDC's report on Melanoma rates of women and men, the CDC found increasing yearly rates which are climbing at a rate of 1.4 to 1.7 percent. In particular, Melanoma has been increasing in people who spend most of their time indoors compared to others whose careers or choice of lifestyle has them outside frequently, which puzzles researchers. Another factor about this deadly form of skin cancer Melanoma has been more repeatedly diagnosed on areas on the body with little to no sun exposure. To find more surprising information on skin cancer and SPF, always use The environmental working group's website for further detailed information and a wide variety of studies.

After reading different reports and seeing that the type of sunscreen used is essential in getting actual UV protection and not having chemical ingredients that can do more harm than good in the SPF, All These Factors are Worth Considering When Buying Sunscreen. While Many Are Wanting To Be More mindful about the sunscreen formula Used On Themselves And family, Still Wanting To Err On The Side Of Caution Especially When Planning To Be Outside Or Planning For Fun In The Sun.

So Here is Our Guide to buying SPF, Along with A shopping Guide To Our Favorite Sunscreens in an easy to use shopping guide. An Added Bonus When Choosing Cleaner Sunscreen Formulas Not Only Are Your getting Quality Protection But Most Are also Coral reef Safe And Again EWG.Com is A wonderfully Easy To Used and detailed resource.

Chemical Sunscreen

There are two basic categories when it comes to SPF, Chemical, and Physical sun protection. One of the more popular and found most often is Chemical sunscreen protection. Chemical Sunscreen commonly uses oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, and octinoxateas. Most formulas have the previously mentioned ingredients and regularly combine them. As the classification suggests, you are getting protection from the chemicals in the sunscreen. The substances protect by seeping into your epidermis then diffusing the UV rays into heat, which your body then releases. Chemical sunscreen has been widely used in recent years for a few good reasons. When picturing a lifeguard, most of us have the Iconic image of any classic Summer or beach circa70's/80's movie Scene, where the lifeguard has a thick layer of white sunscreen covering their nose (which is a physical sunscreen). This iconic cinematic look is one most people have wanted to avoid! 

Chemical sunscreens can disappear into the skin and do not require the usual rubbing involved of physical sunscreens of the past, making chemical sunscreens a prominent option for many when wanting to avoid that ashy, white appearance. Chemical sunscreen's ability to blend into the skin has made it a standard formula, especially in the cosmetics industry, because it can be added to beauty and skincare products, specifically as most people are trying to protect their skin from sun damage. When a product offers you the chance to avoid applying two products with just one product, you can see why a foundation, for example, with SPF in it would be an option that many people would gravitate to buy. 

There are a few primary concerns when considering chemical sunscreens first. If you or your child have sensitive skin, this formula should be avoided. If you have Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Melasma, and Hyper Pigmentation, or overheating issues, these skin conditions are prone to flare up with chemical sunscreens due to the mechanics of how this variety of SPF works. This variety of skin conditions Are Prone To flare up when the skin gets overheated. Sensitive skin may also react to Chemical Sunscreen due to the sheer level of chemical ingredients in sunscreen. The chances of skin being irritated are more likely the higher the SPF number is. There is no real formula difference between an SPF 35 and that of a higher SPF. Formulas With SPF numbers above 35 are simply a marketing ploy, as a formulation has yet to be created that offers greater protection. Since there is no real formulation that has been designed to protect more effectively, sunscreen brands add higher concentrated levels of chemicals into their formulations.

Besides triggering skin conditions, the full range of chemicals at high levels can cause chemical burns, especially severe when considering that chemical sunscreens have penetration enhancers, which are added to give seemingly more sun protection. Another Concerning Factor Is the FDA decided to grandfather the same chemicals that were formulated in the 1970s!?! (lazy much???) Instead Of Testing Individual Ingredients Brands are using. In extensive laboratory studies of the ingredients used in SPFs, an issue arises with the substances used because sunscreen as a whole goes on such a wide variety of body parts like our lips, face, body, lungs(spray sunscreen), making it further of concern The formulation of chemical sunscreen is designed to penetrate our epidermis so it can work as intended. The natural absorption into our skin also means the formula can be absorbed into our blood, urine, and even mothers' breastmilk

Alarming is the ability of the ingredients to mimic hormones, especially A Specifically Well Known hormone disrupter is oxybenzone. Oxybenzone affects hormones so much that it was banned in Hawaii for oxybenzone's ability even to disrupt the hormones of coral reefs leading to the effected coral reefs to die. There was such a significant correlation that lead to the state of Hawaii to ban the ingredient and all sunscreens containing oxybenzone. This particular ingredient oxybenzone has been reported by the CDC to be detected in 96 percent of the U.S. population. In recent years, many studies and their data have shown the Adverse effects of hormone disrupters, especially considering that many of these harmful results could have been prevented if the FDA had been more Diligent by not just grandfathering Ingredients for approval. The more the formulations are studied more information on the harm these products can have on our various body systems are being shown. Here is where we suggest that you visit the Environmental Working Group's site; they have an in-depth database and multiple studies on sunscreen Ingredients. Their website is such an excellent resource for such a wide range of Household and self-care products too.

Can you tell We Are passionate about the quality of products, especially those that are advertised safe for babies and children?!?

Physical Sunscreen

Physical sunscreen is the other classification that is found in UV protection, as its name suggests. It protects by providing a physical barrier between your skin and reflecting UV Rays off your skin. The two main ingredients in physical sunscreens are Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. When shopping for sunscreens, you will be able to easily find physical sunscreens by the other name of Mineral Sunscreen, which many brands make. However, to make sure the formulation is just a mineral base, you need to look at the active ingredients. The only listed active ingredients should be Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide. If you notice other active ingredients listed, then the formulation is a Chemical sunscreen, which is typical for brands to combine physical and chemical sunscreens.

Tip when shopping for sunscreen, the simpler the list of ingredients, the cleaner the formulation. This also applies to the advertisements on the packaging, the fewer claims it has on it like anti-aging, waterproof, lasts all day, etc. The less likely it will irritate your skin. When looking for SPF information, EWG.Com has an in-depth ranking of sunscreens, so you can effortlessly search the ranking of your sunscreen you already use. Many Interested in Natural Skincare or having skin issues Gravitate Towards feeling more comfortable using minerals that reflect UV rays instead of using various chemicals to disperse the light into the heat as with chemical sunscreens. Mineral Sunscreen has been shown to protect the best against UV A and UV B, providing a broader spectrum of protection from UV rays, which is the whole point of wearing sunscreen in the first place. Zinc oxide has been found in studies to offer the broadest protection against UV light, with Titanium oxide being the second-best in providing a full spectrum of protection.

The Evident Protection And functionality, while not being irritating to sensitive skin Makes Mineral sunscreens an excellent option for those of us who suffer from sensitive skin issues of Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Melasma, and Hyper Pigmentation. Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide provide barriers by sitting on the skin's surface and not contributing to your skin heating up. Also, the formulation can be minimal, so irritation from chemicals will be less prominent of an issue.

With previous formulations of mineral sunscreens, there was the typical issue when applied of having the thick white formula, which didn't disappear upon application. With new Mineral SPFs coming out all the time now, the past issue of not having the sunscreen blend completely has been less of a problem. One way companies have gotten rid of this the chunky mineral problem is my using nanoparticles, especially with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, the smaller particles in the formulation. So the SPF will rub into the skin more fully without that white shadow look. A factor to consider from a study when scientists exposed mice with titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Titanium Dioxide was detected in the mice offspring, so just another factor to consider when shopping. A Label to look for if this is of concern, many brands don't use nanoparticles and will advertise on the label that they don't use nanoparticles in their products.

While we do think studies and data are essential, we also know that it can be overwhelming to take so much information in. To offer help, we provided you with a shopping guide to our favorite clean formulated sunscreens that offer us protection when having fun in the sun.

Mineral Sunscreens and Tinted Mineral Sunscreens Shopping Guide

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Collagen -Why You Need To Add It Into Your Diet, Plus Budget and Vegan Friendly Options

Tips for supporting your bodies production of Collagen, one of the major types of proteins our body uses to support our skin, nails, and hair.


Collagen has hit its peak in popularity (you heard it here first, ha) in the beauty and wellness arenas, its everywhere! From Sephora to your local chain grocery store and of course as my son calls is “The Amazon”can ship it to your front door. I must say I didn’t dive in head first to this trend. And I don’t usually with a lot of trends, I wait to see if there is any feedback or waining within individual’s results, because frankly it is expensive and time sucking to keep up while being informed on all the latest trends. I also don’t have a lot of extra time to incorporate new items into my routine so functionality of a product is another key factor. 

A great example of an ongoing trend that is great but I couldn’t fully get onboard with is the Celery Juice Drink. While I loved having Celery Juice first thing in the morning, I don’t have time to juice celery every morning especially if there is a chance I will wake up the kiddo with the noise of the juicer, and due to most mornings I wake up before me little sleepy head. I found it also nonfunctional with this drink to have celery continually stock in the fridge, ie me always having to run to the store because celery had run out at home wasn’t always plausible. So I have semi parted ways with this drink, and only do it on occasion so I can keep my sanity in the morning, and still keep this healthy beneficial trend in my back pocket.

Yes I know I went off topic a bit, but my point is and I think will always be that I am very practical (hello typical virgo with OCD here) and wanting to only share tips and trends that are workable, realistic, and try to also give cost effective short cuts! 

So that leads me back to Collagen. I was familiar with the benefits of collagen for our bodies, but my personal focus with the use of collagen was a bit more cosmetic however I was pleased to have results with my hair, skin and did notice a less cracking of my joints when exercising. Like many women who are moms there are inevitable changes that happen, to it put mildly. After our son was born my hair became super super course in the back. While I have always had thick semi curly hair, this course texture made hair styling so time consuming and I just never fully liked the end results. As for my skin….well you try to go without sleep for two years straight. Lets just say concealer and I are BFFs for life. I have found the Powder I use and the supplement that I have taken on the regular now for a few months were an ease to add into my routine, and more important I saw results. My hair has become more softer like it used to be, and styling is more easily done to the lessening of the former course texture. So my skin…. has been going through its own journey due to some not quite diagnosed medical issues, I have been having swelling, hives and breakouts due to severe allergies and possible other issues (might share later when I have more answers from doctors). However with all the other issues my skin is going through between spells my skin has been able to heal faster and feels more balanced. This is quite funny to write and is so counter intuitive to how bad my face appears when I am going through “bouts” that are linked to other issues, but it is a testament to the benefits of aiding our bodies in the healing process, in this case with collagen.  

What Is Collagen?

So why is collagen so beneficial to our bodies? Collagen is one of the building blocks that cements our bodies together, and one of the major types of proteins our body uses. You find Collagen in connective tissue ie joints, ligaments, muscle and skin. You can also find Collagen in fibrous tissues like our heart, blood vessels and digestive track. The major area that is being exposed and hyper focused on at this time for the importance of collagen is in beauty and wellness industry, as collagen being a main component in the structure of our skin, hair and nails, and how the appearance/strength can be improved if our body is making the proper amounts of collagen. Unfortunately our bodies production of collagen does slow down as we get older. You can see the results of the less dense connective tissue under a microscope on someone who is older, smokes or excessively tans which can all attribute to and lower collagen levels in our dermis layer of skin (Middle layer) making it less dense in connective tissue. This can lead to skin looking thinner, crepey, weakened and not as plump. This loss of collagen can also lend itself to contributing to joints and muscles feeling more stiff, limited range of motion and shrinking of muscles. The far reaching affects and benefits of collagen is easy to see how it can be helpful and worthwhile to look into this trending focus on collagen. 

So a issue that I had when powders and formulas first came out was they were all animal based, depending on the companies extraction process they use mostly ligaments and other areas where you find connective tissue and extract it from animals bone and tissue. Personally I have been plant based for over twelve years so the formulas I was finding were not compatible. The point I like to make here that sometimes I believe is missed, when you are consuming a protein from an animal in this case mainly collagen which is a triple helix (think DNA) your body can’t consume that protein whole. Because that protein and its formulation was made for that animal’s body based on that animals needs and diet. Since your body can’t consume that protein whole your body has to break it down, and it formulates what your body needs from it, and what it doesn’t use or consume becomes waste. I am bringing up this point not to go on a tangent (again lol) but its a point I see missing from the collagen conversation. On the other hand when eating plant based collagen builders specifically fruits, veggies, legumes, grains and nuts the profile of these foods doesn’t require your body to break down a complex animal protein making it easier on your body to get the resources it needs ie collagen, vitamins and minerals. Beyond that, plant based options offer other nutrients that help support your bodies collagen production like Vitamin C, A, E, B1 which are some of the key components in the synthesis of your body making collagen, so when getting your collagen from plant based options your body gets the all around ingredients it also needs for pre/post production and protection to help prevent breakdown.


So I am aware of the cost of products specifically in the beauty and wellness space can add up really fast . I do want to share a few products that I saw results from. However I wanted to add in foods that can benefit and support our bodies in the making of collagen and are great for overall skin, hair, nails and well body health that are also a little less taxing on our wallets also more sustainable. For me personally investing in my health is important because I see that everything is possible when you have your health. Health is wealth!

Collagen Building Products

Collagen Building Foods

Let me know what resinated with you in this blog and if you start to include any of these tips into your routine. Also please share your favorite collagen boosting tips, you know what to do comment below!

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Ways To Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer (That Have Nothing To Do With Sunscreen)

We are too quick to focus only on sunscreen and forget all the other things that put you at risk for skin cancer. Here are four ways to prevent this disease that have nothing to do with SPF:


One in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer during their lifetime. Many people don't know this, but skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer worldwide, and in the United States, there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancers combined. Research shows that the incidence of melanoma in women 18 to 39 increased 800 percent from 1970 to 2009. In other words, we should all be reading up on how to prevent it.

I say this not only as a skin cancer expert and dermatologist but because I am one of those five. And if I had known then what I know now, there's a chance I wouldn't have had the extreme displeasure of having to diagnose myself with the most deadly skin cancer there is: melanoma.

And while sunscreen is an important part of skin cancer prevention, we are too quick to focus only on sunscreen and forget all the other things that put you at risk for skin cancer. Here are four ways to prevent this disease that have nothing to do with SPF:

1. Get your beauty sleep.

Your body is regulated by your circadian rhythm, which regulates one of the body's most important hormones: melatonin. Melatonin influences your body weight, reproduction, and hair growth and helps your body know when to sleep and wake up. One of the most important roles melatonin plays in skin health is its ability to protect it from UV radiation. In fact, melatonin has been shown to be a stronger scavenger of free radicals than vitamin C or vitamin E, which are both often used to treat cellular damage. As an antioxidant, melatonin has a protective role against UVB skin damage and can block free radical damage, decrease inflammation, and stimulate the formation of other potent antioxidants in the body such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Translation: Getting quality sleep every night helps block the damaging effects of UV rays.

2. Eat the rainbow.

UV exposure and other environmental factors can quickly deplete your skin's innate antioxidant reserve. As a result, cellular and DNA damage is created, and this increases your risk of developing melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. Eating foods rich in antioxidants like collards, strawberries, kale (which all contain plenty of vitamin C); avocados, dark-green leafy vegetables, salmon, nuts (great sources of vitamin E); carrots, squash, sweet potatoes (vitamin A); and romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, spinach (which contain lutein and zeaxanthin) is extremely important. These foods have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant properties, which is why they are considered among the most promising group of compounds to be researched and implemented as an ideal cancer-prevention strategy.

3. Get caffeinated.

Studies have shown that higher consumption of caffeinated coffee was associated with lower risk for basal cell carcinoma and may also have an effect on lowering the risk of melanoma. In a clinical study of over 90,000 Caucasian women, it was found that those who drank six or more cups of coffee per day had a 30 percent decrease in the prevalence of non-melanoma skin cancer. In a separate study, coffee consumption of one cup per day was associated with a 3 percent reduction in melanoma risk, while another study showed a 20 percent decreased prevalence of malignant melanoma consuming four cups a day. The sweet spot may turn out to be somewhere in the middle but more research needs to be done. For now, though, we know that the benefit is tied to the bioactive chemicals in coffee, including caffeine and chlorogenic acid, so don't switch to decaf just yet!

4. Get naked. 

The only way to examine your skin is to see it—up close and personal. Get ready to party in your birthday suit and be on the lookout for any uninvited guests. I can't stress this enough: When you take notice, you can take action. So make a date with yourself and pick one day a month that you commit to checking your skin, and put it in your calendar. Get naked. Examine yourself either before or after your shower. You're already naked, so make the most of it. Start at the top of your head and work your way down to your toes. Look in all your nooks and crannies: your mouth, lips, ears, armpits, belly button, nails, between your fingers and toes, the tops and bottoms of your feet. Check out your intimate bits—front and back. Grab a hand mirror so you can see the skin externally and internally. (Here's a guide for what to look for.)

Skin cancer is both the most prevalent and the most preventable cancer in our country. Remember to keep up with these four tips, as well as being diligent about sunscreen if you're going to be spending time outside. Cheers to your resilient health!

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Here Are The 4 Best Cleansing Oils For Every Skin Type By Stephanie Eckelkamp

Oil cleansing really helps dissolve dirt, makeup, sunblock, and blackheads. In fact, I especially like oil cleansers for oily, congested skin.


If you've stepped into a Sephora lately, you know that cleansing oils are the cool new kids on the natural skin care block. But after years of being programmed to think we need all the suds to remove the grit and grime off our face, and that oil equals acne, it can be nerve-wracking to take the plunge.

So, just to be sure, we asked a few holistic skin care pros: Can everyone, regardless of their skin type, benefit from an oil cleanser? The answer: a resounding yes! If you pick the right one.

"Oil cleansing really helps dissolve dirt, makeup, sunblock, and blackheads. In fact, I especially like oil cleansers for oily, congested skin," says Britta Plug, holistic esthetician and mbg Collective member, who created this quick video showing how to oil cleanse the right way (hint: you should be using a washcloth!).

Turns out, cleansing oils have a similar chemical composition to the oil and debris that develops on the skin, so they're highly effective at dissolving and washing away these substances in a way that's non-irritating, explains Lauren E. Adams, M.D., a dermatologist who's board-certified in lifestyle medicine.

That said, our experts warn that it's not a one-cleansing-oil-fits-all situation. There are basic guidelines that can help you find a cleansing oil product that supports your specific skin type:

  • All skin types can benefit from added antioxidants. "Antioxidants scavenge dangerous free radicals, which would otherwise damage cells, contribute to inflammation, and accelerate aging," says Dr. Adams. One antioxidant ingredient she loves to see in cleansing oils: green tea, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and acne-fighting properties. Most skin types can also benefit from hydrating, not-too-heavy oils such as avocado, olive, sunflower, sesame, jojoba, argan, and hemp seed.

  • People with very dry or eczema-prone skin may benefit from a richer cleansing oil with argan oil and coconut oil. Though not appropriate for oily skin, coconut oil is an effective moisturizer and "decreases staphylococcal colonization on the skin, a bacteria that contributes to skin infections and eczema," explains Dr. Adams. "Argan oil is rich in antioxidant vitamin E and fatty acids needed to maintain the skin barrier." Pass on oils that predominantly contain castor oil, though, which can be drying.

  • People with oily and congested skin should steer clear of cleansing oils listing heavier oils such as coconut oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter high up on the ingredient list, as they can be pore-clogging, says Plug. (Cleansing oils labeled "non-comedogenic" shouldn't clog pores.) One oil you should look for: sunflower seed oil, which acts like a magnet to draw out congestion and dissolve blackheads.

  • People with active acne, rosacea, or very sensitive skin should avoid strong fragrances, even from natural essential oils, as these can be irritating, says Plug. For these skin types, you don't want to do the traditional warm washcloth removal method either since that may cause further irritation. Instead, choose a cleansing oil that emulsifies (one that gets a little bit creamy, but not foamy, when you work it), apply it with your fingers, and rinse with warm water. 

4 cleansing oils for every skin type. Want even more guidance? With these four oil cleansers, we've got every skin type covered:

For all skin types: Josh Rosebrook Herbal Infusion Oil

This well-balanced oil cleanser features antioxidant-rich green tea, antimicrobial neem, a variety of anti-inflammatory herbs, and nourishing oils including olive, sunflower, jojoba, and hemp seed, making it great for nearly any skin type. Several reviewers have said it helps reduce acne and redness while hydrating.

Herbal Infusion Oil, Josh Rosebrook, $24


For very dry, eczema-prone skin: Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Oil

This super-affordable cleansing oil features a base of coconut oil, argan oil, and vitamin E, three ingredients known for their skin-nourishing properties. It also contains the lesser-known Abyssinian oil, which is anti-inflammatory and easily absorbed by the skin.

Facial Cleansing Oil, Burt’s Bees, $16


For oily or congested skin: Laurel Clarity Oil Cleanser

With a combination of sunflower, safflower, and sesame oils, this cleanser "really helps dissolve blackheads in skin that's thick, oily, and congested," says Plug. "The results are dramatic." Other skin-friendly ingredients like black cumin seed oil and turmeric help tamp down inflammation. 

Clarity Oil Cleanser, Laurel, $48


For super-sensitive skin: Pure + E.O. Free Oil Cleanser

One of Plug's favorites, this fragrance-free, emulsifying cleansing oil is "completely clean and nontoxic and doesn't have anything potentially irritating in it," which makes it great for skin with active acne or rosacea. In addition to a base of safflower and sunflower oils, it also contains probiotics to help heal the skin's barrier and a dose of antioxidants from elderberry.

Pure + E.O. Free Oil Cleanser, Marie Veronique, ($40) 

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Epsom Salts: A Favorite Remedy For Anxiety, Inflammation & Insomnia

Epsom salts have been a popular natural remedy for centuries, used to help with anything from healing wounds to relieving constipation.


Epsom salts have been a popular natural remedy for centuries, used to help with anything from healing wounds to relieving constipation. But did you know that Epsom salts are really just magnesium sulfate salts? It's true. Epsom salts are just one of the many ways we can use magnesium—also known as nature's relaxation mineral—to better our health.

As the health editor at mindbodygreen and the author of the upcoming book Magnesium: A Lifestyle Guide to Epsom Salts, Magnesium Oil, and Nature's Relaxation Mineral, I've spent my fair share of time both soaking in Epsom salt baths and at my desk researching the history of Epsom salts, their benefits, and how we might be able to use them to treat various health woes.

Over these years of research and personal experimentation, Epsom salts have become one of my absolute favorite "alternative" remedies. Although I'm not sure we should even use the word "alternative," seeing as magnesium-based therapies have actually now been approved by the FDA as laxatives and you can find Epsom salts in pretty much any pharmacy or grocery store in America. They're a great remedy whenever you're amped at the end of the day, sore from a workout, or just in need of a little extra self-care.

Epsom salt baths: What they are and where they come from.

The history of Epsom salts is pretty fascinating. They were discovered as early as the 1700s in a town called Epsom (big surprise there), which is about 15 miles from London. People would travel from all over Europe to bathe in the healing water at the bitter saline spring in the town, which would help with anything from skin issues to wound healing and decreasing infections to digestive problems. Eventually, they discovered that boiling down the water produced magnesium sulfate salts, later named Epsom salts, which were then able to be transported and sold everywhere. Epsom salts—much like witch hazel—have withstood the test of time and are still a popular remedy today that has been embraced by both Eastern and Western medicine practitioners.

The health benefits of Epsom salts.

Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral and acts as a cofactor in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. These reactions control things like protein synthesis, muscle contraction, blood pressure regulation, and blood sugar balance. In other words: It's really important.

Unfortunately, it's suspected that a large portion of the population isn't getting enough magnesium through their diet. This is in part because of how our soil has changed over the years—aka, the mineral content has decreased drastically—and also because processing foods leaches them of their magnesium content, leaving them virtually devoid of the mineral. Magnesium-rich foods include leafy greens, fatty fish like salmon, and nuts and seeds.

Since Epsom salts are technically a form of magnesium therapy, the benefits you get from bathing in a magnesium-rich bath are thought to be similar to those you get from taking oral magnesium. Integrative medicine doctor Bindiya Gandhi, M.D. is a fan of Epsom salts for more reasons than one, explaining that "I recommend Epsom salt for muscle aches, anxiety, and to help patients relax and sleep better. I also have postpartum patients and with those with hemorrhoids soak in Epsom salt to help with recovery. I personally soaked in Epsom salt prior to labor to help have a smooth and easy vaginal delivery. Many people are deficient in magnesium and using epsom salt soaks instead of a supplement can be therapeutic."

Here are some of the most common reasons why people are using Epsom salts baths on the reg:

Epsom salts as a natural laxative.

One of the first benefits of Epsom salts that was discovered was its ability to act as an all-natural laxative. Today, however, it's not recommended to use Epsom salts internally as a laxative. Instead, there are other forms of magnesium that can help keep things moving along your digestive tract in a way that's a lot more gentle. Magnesium citrate, which is available in a supplement capsule or as a powdered drink, is one of the top doctor-recommended forms of magnesium for constipation, along with magnesium oxide.

Epsom salt as a stress- and anxiety-reducer.

One of the best benefits of magnesium and Epsom salts is their ability to help wash away the stress from the day and soothe occasional anxiety. Magnesium is often praised as one of the best natural approaches to anxiety, stress can be a risk factor for magnesium deficiency, and ironically, a deficiency in magnesium can magnify our unhealthy responses to stress. Top integrative medicine doctors think we need more magnesium in times of stress, explaining that it interacts with GABA in the brain.

Epsom salts to help with sleep.

Knowing magnesium's ability to soothe tense muscles and relieve anxiety, it probably comes as no surprise that it is also praised for helping with sleep. One study showed that elderly people taking a magnesium glycinate supplement had improved insomnia.

Epsom salts for pain relief.

Magnesium is frequently used as a remedy to relieve pain from things like muscle cramps and menstrual cramps, and low levels of magnesium in the blood have been linked to migraine headaches. 

Epsom salts to soothe damaged or dry skin.

People have been using Epsom salts to heal the skin for as long as they've been around. A study published in 2005 suggests that Epsom salts can be helpful if you have dry skin and can decrease inflammation and promote hydration.

Epsom salts for detoxification

Epsom salts are also a great way to help your body detox and suppor the liver. Will Cole, D.C., IFMCP functional medicine expert and mindbodygreen Collective member is a big fan of Epsom salts, "I seriously love Epsom salt baths. Most people today are magnesium deficient and Epsom salt baths are one great way to increase magnesium levels. Magnesium is essential for hundreds of important pathways in our body, one of which are detoxification pathways. In addition to being nature's chill pill, magnesium is extremely important for sulfonation, glucuronidation, and glutathione conjugation reactions which are all part of phase II liver detox pathways." He frequently recommends Epsom salts to patients at his functional medicine clinic.

How to use Epsom salts: dosing, safety, and where to buy them.

You can buy Epsom salts at pretty much any grocery store or pharmacy in the United States, including these next-level Epsom salts at CVS. Bonus: They're also very reasonably priced (you'll usually pay somewhere between $5 and $10), and there are plenty of options to choose from—some even have added ingredients like activated charcoal or lavender.

To dose Epsom salts, just follow the directions on the package of whatever brand you're using. Don't be surprised when they ask you to pour half the bag (or the entire bag!) into the bath—you need a lot to get the desired effects! Dissolve the salts in the water while the bath is running, and soak 15 to 30 minutes. 

If you want to bring your bath to the next level, try adding a few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil or one of these PureSoma soaks that feature different herbs, clays, and minerals that can also help with recovery, sleep, or detox.

Transdermal magnesium: The truth about absorbing magnesium through the skin.

Clearly, Epsom salts have quite a few benefits. And while there's still no final consensus on whether or not magnesium in the form of an Epsom salt bath has all of the same benefits of taking magnesium as a supplement by mouth, they're still a great way to take advantage of this ancient mineral that our bodies rely on so much. There's also still some debate over how well magnesium can be absorbed through the skin since the skin is technically designed to keep things from entering the body, and it does a great job at it. That said, so many people swear by Epsom salt baths as a helpful remedy for sleep, pain, and anxiety, and integrative and functional medicine doctors often recommend them to their patients, that it remains a staple in my medicine cabinet and medicine cabinets all over the world. In addition, getting a daily dose of magnesium by way of a bath eliminates the risk of the most common negative side effect of oral magnesium supplementation: diarrhea.

One note: Excess magnesium is excreted through your urine, and magnesium balance in the body is controlled by the kidneys, so if you have a kidney issue, you'll want to talk to your doctor before supplementing. In fact, it's always best to mention to your doctor when you're thinking of taking a new supplement and to make sure it's on your chart if you're already taking it.

Epsom salts: Why they should be your new favorite natural remedy.

The best thing about this natural remedy is the fact that they are cheap and easy, especially compared to other lifestyle remedies like dietary changes and supplements—which can be expensive and require a lot of time and energy. Bathing in magnesium also doubles as a form of self-care, which means you're killing two birds with one stone. They encourage you to take a little bit of time out of the day to dedicate to just you and your health. 

Want one last Epsom salt tip? Leave the phone out of the bathroom while you soak—you're taking away some of the benefits when you're reading the news or scrolling through social media. Instead, sit in silence, listen to some calming music, or try a guided meditation.

Gretchen Lidickermbg Health Editor

Gretchen Lidicker is mindbodygreen’s health editor and has worked on the academic and clinical side of integrative medicine for many years.

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