Fun In The Bedroom: With Better For You Products for Solo And Partner Play Time

We can all use a tuneup with our health and personal care from time to time. However, an area that is often explicitly overlooked during stressful periods is our sexual wellness. Unfortunately, sexual wellness is often a topic that is shied away from due to a lack of comfort, knowledge, shame, and a general shortage of open discussions in our society. Yet our sexual wellness is an enormous cue to our overall health, from cardiovascular, emotional, physical, social, mental health and beyond. Taking care of our sexual needs is part of our overall wellness. But, unlike other wellness regimes, this one can be fun with or without a partner.

And as in other forms of care of ourselves, it's crucial what we use, and not all products are made the same. For example, conventual sexual products are highly toxic, which is scary considering that these products are used on such a delicate area. Lubricants are an example of including many questionable and irritating ingredients like petroleum, Chlorhexidine gluconate(antibacterial agent), Propylene glycolwhich(preservative), Parabens, Nonoxynol-9 (Kills good and bad bacteria), Glycerin, this list is commonly found in many lubes but are known to reak havoc on our bodies. And many of us have dealt with that after sex time bladder or yeast infection, which can be caused by many factors like unbalanced PH levels, which can be attributed to the ingredient list that formulates our sex play products. A catalase to ending up with a bladder infection is a disrupted biome. Micro biomes have come to our attention specifically when pertaining to our gut, mouth, skin, and our genital regions the products we use can disrupt our ph balance, good (protective) bacteria, and the natural regulation of our reproductive organs.

Whether you're having fun solo or with someone, the last thing you should be worrying about is if your lube, toy, or other bedroom fun products could cause more harm than fun. So we have worked diligently to bring you the most ph balanced and effective lubes and vibes we have found.


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