The Latest Innovations In Health And Wellness

From homes that survey your health, to tailored for you skincare, and medical-grade wellness tools in the comfort of your own home -innovations in the healthcare and wellness space are only accelerating. However, with this acceleration in advancements, tracking the latest health and wellness innovations can be complex, so we did the breakdown for you.  

HealthCare All From Home 

An area foreseen to continually flourish with growth in 2023 and beyond is healthcare being addressed from the comfort of your home. Glimpses of a shift in healthcare coming to patients were apparent during the pandemic, with doctor's visits taking place over zoom and prescriptions being sent by mail. As consumers desire ease in care and affordability, big tech has noted consumers wants by taking advantage of this shift in healthcare. With the leaders in tech like Alphabet(google's conglomerate), Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft all zeroing in on niche areas of healthcare, expecting to bridge the gap between consumers and healthcare providers.

Outside of big tech pushing the boundaries of the healthcare structure, another boost is also coming from biotech and the advanced monitoring it allows from the comfort of your home. Not only can you meet with your doctor or healthcare provider over Teladoc or zoom, but you can share your test results. Innovators in this space have made the overall testing and monitoring process streamlined. Think, clip a monitor inside your toilet -yes, you read that right companies like U-scan are putting scanners in your toilet which gives you results regarding your urine. This data can then be shared with your healthcare provider. Glucose monitoring is another arena getting an upgrade thanks to biotech which has made implants that can report data directly to your phone and your doctor, making monitoring more accurate. Other areas that can be observed from the comfort of your home are blood test, hormone test, and saliva test.

 Individualized Approach To Health Care

Consumers are more mindful of their health, wanting solutions tailored to their needs to improve their health. At-home testing is not the only field helping consumers grasp their personal health alternative wellness brands are also stepping up with customized, unique solutions. 

Vitamins and supplements are getting a significant upgrade in a few ways. Vitamin and supplement brands are meeting their consumer's desire for an individualized method by making vitamins tailored to what nutrients their body needs based on a lab test or offering a personalized virtual consultation. In addition, vitamins and supplements provide a customized approach and meet the standards that health-conscious consumers want by providing clean and transparent ingredients. 

Skincare brands also focus on users' unique needs by utilizing at-home tests like saliva, ph-levels, and skin's oil to determine the clients' results. Products sent based on the data are bespoke to the consumer's individual skin needs.       

Another area of health that many are focusing on improving is their sleep. Sleep hygiene is also getting an individualized focus with the help of biotech pushing innovation with personal health and fitness monitors, along with apps. The sleep data can be collected from the user and then turned into a specified strategy that can be structured by the app itself or the user's healthcare provider. 

At Home Sensory Cohesiveness 

Envision….You are coming home late at night from an extra long work day. As you open the door, you immediately smell your favorite blend of Lavender and Ylang Ylang. The lights are dimmed, and your red light bulbs are on in the bedroom. You can feel your shoulders drop as you take a deep releasing breath as you slowly sway your body to your favorite rendition of your evening playlist. Your floors adjust the temperature to match your body's temperature to help you wind down, and the fireplaces turn on in each room right before you enter, cued by you walking throughout your home. 

As you are changing into more comfortable clothes, you are getting a report from your fridge about what is stocked in it and what your dinner options are for the evening based on what would be optimal for your current bio-markers.     

The future state of our home's convenience, comfort, and health monitoring integration is converging with the help of AI, health tech, touchless tech, and overall integration. We want our homes to be a sanctuary and experience a reprieve from the hectic and chaos of the outside world. Biotech and home tech melding allows consumers to take control of the atmosphere in their home like never before. Controlling the lighting, sound, scent, and temperature while knowing your health's vitals when you wake up or arrive home allowing for total serenity based on your body's needs. The wireless control and programming of the home as a personal sanctuary will continue to evolve and expand into having a truly spa-like experience when at home, with the future moving to adapt the home to the user's circadian rhythm.

The Evolution Of At-Home Skincare

The line between medical grade and at-home skincare and wellness treatments is becoming blurred as biotech enters the medical care space. As many of us consider ourselves test animals for newer products that hit the market, there is a desire for at-home skin, body, and other various wellness tools as they typically lack the strength and effectiveness we hope for. Additionally, the efficiency that tech is lending itself to at-home devices will only accelerate the number of devices entering the space as consumer demand increases for these effective devices.

The infrared face mask is one of the devices we love on our bathroom shelf, as its effectiveness and benefits are seen. While infrared masks have been on the market for a while now, many brands have made the benefits of wearing the masks like an in-office treatment. With features like a broader range of skin depths that light can penetrate into. Infrared masks are also addressing more skin concerns by using a more comprehensive range of infrared and LED light Therapies like Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow which can benefit those looking to approve the look of inflammation, scar healing, skin texture, collage production, pigment and improve the depth of wrinkles. The benefits of infrared won't be limited to your face as brands are coming out with larger units that can target different areas of the body for a broader range of results and ease of use.

While going to the spa for a facial is always welcomed. However, our schedules or our wallets only sometimes allow for it. Thankfully another device that has received a much-needed update is at-home micro-current devices. Micro-current uses also widen from normal skin and facial concerns to medical concerns like muscle atrophy, muscle recovery, and aiding those dealing with diabetes. Other avenues Micro-currents focus on are stimulating hair follicles and targeting the neck and chest area, which usually need to be acknowledged further regarding the overall care and targeted products. 


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